GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 30 ~ ~ Isaiah 45:12~ ~ “I have made the earth, and created man upon it: my hands have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.”

As with other samples of tools, educational items, and remains of ancient man, which showed them to be intelligent and socially developed, contrary to what evolutionists tell us, there is another one found right here in North America.

Beneath the peat deposits of Windover Pond in Titusville, Florida, scientists are finding the bodies and possessions of Indians who lived in Florida thousands of years ago.

The bones of almost 100 individuals have been found buried in the peat at the deepest part of the pond. Each was buried in a near-fetal position, with feet toward the east and head toward the west. Each body lay on its left side, facing north. Children were buried with tools and jewelry. To the surprise of scientists, each burial shows clear evidence of ritual and knowledge of the compass points. Textiles found at the site convinced scientists that this ancient society was much more advanced than they had ever expected.

Scientists also marveled at the discovery of a young person who had a crippling spine disorder. The fact that the child lived 15 or more years illustrated that this was not a survival-of-the-fittest type of society.

We who know that the Creator made man fully human from the start are not surprised to see the same humanity in ancient man as we know today. Man has always been man because we were made that way by our Creator.

Genesis 1:26

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 29 ~ ~ Deuteronomy 4:6 ~ ~ “ So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’”

Celery is an old Asian folk remedy for mild cases of high blood pressure. In one unscientific test, the father of a University of Chicago medical student lowered his mild hypertension simply by adding a quarter pound of celery to his diet every day for a week.

Now his son, a doctor named Quang T. Le, believes he has discovered how celery lowers blood pressure. His discovery could change the way high blood pressure is treated. Hypertension is caused when the smooth muscle lining of the blood vessels tightens. This makes vessels narrower, making it more difficult for blood to get through. Stress hormones in the blood cause the muscles to tighten.

Dr. Le discovered that celery contains a chemical that relaxes the smooth muscle tissue of the vessels. It does this by getting to the root of the problem. Stress hormones are made by the body using a specific enzyme. The natural chemical in celery prevents the enzyme from forming into stress hormones, thus preventing the chemistry that creates high blood pressure. The researchers hope that the chemical will lead to a more effective treatment for high blood pressure. They also recommend against eating celery to lower blood pressure since it contains sodium and other chemicals that can be harmful to some people when taken in high dosages.

How did the ancient Asians learn about this natural solution to hypertension? Clearly, so-called ancient man had a great deal of knowledge about the creation that we are only just learning.

Originally, just after creation, man had all the knowledge that they needed to stay healthy and prosperous, but after sin and death entered, that began to diminish. The fact is, far from being evolved monkeys, early man was a genius far beyond what modern man could even understand. As the body deteriorates with age, so does memory. Things are forgotten, changed, not handed down, and through the generations, much was lost. The changes go the opposite way of what evolutionists are telling us.

When God created, that first 6 days, He said on the 6th day that it all was “very good”.

Please tell me, how good does something have to be to make the God of all the universe,— the One True God, the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the King of Glory Whose train of Glory fills the universe (signified by filling the tabernacle)—– say it is “very good” ? Far better than what it is now, after sin and the devil have taken their toll.

Something to think about………..


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 28 ~ ~ 1 Kings: 4:29~ ~ “And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that [is] on the sea shore.”

One of the most studied but least understood organs in the human body is the brain. The human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe. It is universally recognized that the brain is more sensitive to damage than any other organ.

Scientists studying the brain have learned that when the brain is injured, it triggers the release of some very special chemicals called neuronotrophic factors. While researchers aren’t sure how these chemicals actually work, studies show that the chemicals seem to help the brain repair damage to itself. They believe that each of the different chemicals works to repair a specific structure in the brain.

Medical researchers are continuing their study of these factors with the hope of using artificially created versions to help those suffering from brain damage due to stroke and trauma. They hope to learn from the body how to help the body do what it now tries to do for itself.

Despite man’s arrogance against the God who Created us, our home planet, the universe, and all matter, and energy, the greatest thing about God is His Love for us. In fact, He IS love.

1 John 4:8

“He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

It could be argued that our brain is our most important organ, since all actions of the body have to go through the brain. It is far more complex than man can understand, extending to even repairing itself.

This could not “evolve”. The brain could not learn this and survive to continue.

In His love, God put this ability into our brains in advance of the fall of man into sin. He knew that man would, in effect, spit in His face, right there in the garden. He could have put an end to it all right then, but His love wouldn’t do that. Not only had He already equipped us to deal with the darkness and suffering that comes with sin, but He also knew that He would become a man and take on that very sin for us!!!! That plan was made before He created the world, because He knows all things.

How wonderful is this God??? How can anyone callously write off His Word, His Love letter to us, giving us one more chance to be saved from an eternity of punishment that we deserve for our sins?

How can people still arrogantly go about trying to “be good enough” to make it to heaven on their own? How can people think that just going to church, doing good works, will make a dent in the blackness that is in each person’s heart? Perfection is far from each of us, and only by His Grace, and the sacrifice of Christ ALONE, will we see our Lord in eternity.

He gave us a brain to understand His Word!!!! Will You listen to Him?


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 27 ~ ~ Psalms 119:100 ~ ~ “I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.”

There is a huge difference between computers and the human brain. While the computer transmits information using electricity, the brain communicates its information using powerful chemicals. Let’s say that you accidentally touch a hot pan on the stove. In less than two tenths of a second, millions of reactions take place while your brain performs a huge number of operations. As a result, you pull your hand away from the hot pan – very quickly!

Depending on the need, your brain uses many different chemicals for communication within itself and with the nerves that connect your brain to the rest of your body. Over 50 such chemicals have so far been identified. And it has been learned that many of these chemicals work in combination with each other so that over 800 different messages are possible.

Nor does the brain have set paths for messages, like a computer. In fact, it has been compared to a chemical soup rather than the circuits of a computer. In addition, the information paths in your brain change based on experience. If we can use computer language for a moment, the brain writes its own programs, doing many complicated tasks of which you and I are never aware.

No one knows these facts better than “scientists”. Yet, many of them are still clinging to the age old lie that we came from a bubbling soupy pond of non-living gunk!!! This is nothing more than the even older lie that the serpent asked Eve in the Garden—- “has God (really) said……?”

The answer is………….HE HAS SAID!……………… It’s time man reads and believes……… because eternity never ends!!!


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 26 ~ ~ Job 5:9 ~ ~ “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”

The Venus Flower Basket is an animal which is is actually a sponge that is made up of a colony of creatures, and it does some amazing things.

The Venus Flower Basket builds a basket-like skeleton made up of glass-like silica covered only by a thin layer of cells. The intricate internal structure of this skeleton is reinforced to provide the greatest strength using the least amount of material. The resulting skeleton turns out to be a fiber optic network whose sophistication has been compared to modern fiber optics used for telecommunications networks.

Microorganisms make a home inside the base of the sponge, sending their light throughout the Flower Basket’s fiber optic skeleton. The Flower Basket traps shrimp inside this skeleton, where they spend their entire lives! The food they drop feeds those luminescent microorganisms at the bottom of the basket! The purpose of the light pulses is to attract prey to feed the shrimp, who, in turn, feed the source of the light pulses! All of this is even more impressive, given the fact that the Flower Basket has no nervous system whatsoever.

That this beautiful creature with no nervous system is designed and works in such an intricate manner is a powerful testimony to our Creator, the only One Who could design this.

Job 12:7-9 ~ ~ “But ask the animals and they will teach you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this.”

Since He can do such wondrous things, don’t you think we all should believe every word of His message to us in all areas? His power is evident in His creation, but His Grace and Mercy are evident in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.

His Word makes it abundantly clear that no amount of church activity or good works will get you to heaven, and unless you rely ONLY on Jesus, and not on your good works or church at all, you won’t make it. After we realize what He did for us, we want to do those things, but not to earn salvation, because Jesus only can do that.


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 25 ~ ~ Romans 8:20-21~ ~ “ For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope, because the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.”

When the first man, Adam, sinned and plunged this world into disease, rot and death, creation was plunged into the darkness along with mankind. But, at the end, when God creates the new heavens and new earth, and satan is in the lake of fire, creation will be renewed when those who trusted Jesus Christ for salvation will be resurrected with a perfect body to match the perfect world. Creation will again be perfect as it was in the garden in the beginning. That is what the verse above is referring to.

But even though creation is in darkness and death, God hasn’t forgotten it. He guards and guides each animal, mineral, and plant creation. All is in His will. He guides their times, gives them their food, and knows the time of each one’s death, as he tells us in Matthew 10:29

“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.”

When penicillin was first used as an antibiotic, it was considered a wonder drug. Infections which had been fatal for thousands of years were all of a sudden curable.

Man has long known that some natural substances have a natural ability to fight infection. But modern medicine had to step aside and acknowledge that not all medical breakthroughs are made by doctors – or even human beings!

For years it has been known that the roots and leaves of the Aspilia shrub are used as a traditional African treatment for wounds and stomachaches. Researchers also observed chimpanzees swallowing the leaves of the shrub. This led them to investigate more about the leaves. They learned that Aspilia leaves and roots contain a chemical which kills some infectious bacteria as well as fungi and worms. Researchers hope to learn whether this chemical is safe and effective for humans when taken orally.

However, the mystery remains. How did the chimps discover the antibiotic nature of Aspilia? Of course it was their Creator, Who has given the chimps this knowledge. For while disease and death are not part of His original design for the creation, He was loving enough to provide medicinal help for these consequences of human sin. But the permanent cure for sin and death began with the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Are you FULLY trusting Him and Him alone?

Ps 50:10-11 ~ ~ “For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.
 I know all the birds of the mountains, and the wild beasts of the field are Mine”

Ps 147:9 ~ ~ “It is He who gives an animal its food, And feeds young ravens that cry.”

Job 39:1 ~ ~ “Do you know the time when the wild mountain goats bear young? Or can you mark when the deer gives birth?”


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 24 ~ ~ Genesis 2:19~ ~ “And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”

The bird of paradise is among the strangest and most beautiful birds in the world. They are so unusual that evolutionary scientists are having difficulty explaining how such creatures could have evolved. That’s because they didn’t evolve.

It was not until 1824 that the first European saw a bird of paradise. Before that time, the bird was known in Europe only by the skins and feathers that natives had sold to European feather dealers. Since the skins did not include the feet, Europeans thought that the bird of paradise remained in flight its entire life. Its Latin name even means, “of paradise, without feet.”

The male bird of paradise is probably one of the most beautiful birds in the world. Its body is a dark maroon, with bright green feathers. The 42 different species have an assortment of bright yellow plumes, tufts and other decorations. At mating time, about all one can make of the bird is a wildly screaming yellow tuft that bounces from branch to branch, zigzags in the air, and hangs upside down from branches. Science has always thought that this odd behavior, and the bright plumage, served to attract female attention. This was their justification for declaring that these traits evolved, according to them.

However, more recent research shows that females do not select males – the males select the females. Evolutionists are left with no way to explain the bird of paradise.

However, the beauty and odd behavior of the bird of paradise are not hard to explain for those of us who know that our Creator has unlimited creativity and inventiveness.

Psalm 50:11

I know all the birds of the mountains, And the wild beasts of the field are Mine.

Ezekiel 17:3 and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “A great eagle with large wings and long pinions, Full of feathers of various colors, Came to Lebanon And took from the cedar the highest branch.


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 23 ~ ~ Psalm 55 6-7 ~ ~ “And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest. Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness.”

These days, we don’t have to wait very long before we hear some nonsense about how flight or – more recently – space travel are but stages in human evolutionary development. As Christians, we know that when Adam, the first man, is described as perfect, he is perfect in every way – spiritually, morally and intellectually. This probably explains why Scripture says that within the first few generations of human existence on Earth, the arts and sciences were flourishing. But the curse from sin took affect gradually, and perfection was farther and farther in the past as time went on.

In 1898, an object that was thought to be a small wooden model of a bird was discovered in Egypt. The “unremarkable” find was tossed into a box marked “wooden bird models” and was rediscovered in more recent times. The Egyptian Ministry of Culture set up a special panel to study the object. As a result of that study, the object is on display at the Cairo Museum today as the centerpiece of a special exhibit. It is now officially labeled as a model airplane.

The plane’s design shows that it is an excellent glider, and with a small engine it could carry huge loads because of the unique design of its wings. This 2,200 year old model airplane had wings that angle slightly downward at the ends—exactly the same improved wing design that was first used in modern times on the supersonic Concorde!

The proof has always been there, man didn’t evolve, he was created as the Creator God wanted him to be, as the Word tells us. It was sin that brought about evil, but that didn’t change the wisdom or talents that God put into man.

All of wisdom is in the Word of God. When man starts picking and choosing what he wants to believe in the Word, he will, (corporately and individually) sacrifice both wisdom and eternal salvation.

Throwing out, or skirting around, any Word in the Bible will create a fissure that will enlarge with time and erode the faith of mankind, dooming many to eternal punishment. Only believing the Word will keep us on the straight and narrow.

Job 39:26

“Does the hawk fly by your wisdom, And spread its wings toward the south?


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 22 ~ ~ GEN 8:22 ~ ~ “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”

Think of the Arctic and you probably think about polar bears. Those magnificent, big, white carnivores are probably pictured in your mind standing on snow and ice, where they can be difficult to see. The Arctic is the realm of the bear, and this is reflected in its name. The word “Arctic” is derived from the Greek word arktos, meaning bear.

Perhaps the most iconic pictures of polar bears published have been those showing one or two bears clinging precariously to tiny icebergs barely able to support them. The implication of such images is that the habitat of the bears is disappearing. What would be the culprit that is melting the ice? Presumably, it would be our “old friend” Climate Change.

So what would a bear do if the ice under its feet melted away? I guess it would have to swim! Fortunately, polar bears are strong swimmers. Some bears have been tracked swimming up to ten days.

Contrary to popular opinion, and climate change “information”, recent research has shown that many polar bear populations increased during times of receding ice. In addition, studies show that in the last couple of years, ice sheets have expanded again.

Climate Change Alarmists notwithstanding, conditions continue to underline that “while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

God has promised that and, since He alone has created, and keeps all things going, and He cannot lie, nor be wrong, we can count on it!!!

Ecclesiastes 3:11 ~ ~ “ He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.”

Job 12:9 ~ ~ “Who among all these does not know That the hand of the Lord has done this”

Job 12:10

“In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?”

Numbers 23:19

“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?”

1 Corinthians 14:33

“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. ..”

Psalm 119:160

“The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.”

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. …”


GOD’S WORD FOR NOVEMBER 18 ~ ~ 1 Chronicles 29:11 ~ ~ “Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and on the earth; Yours is the dominion, Lord, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.”

Nearly everyone is familiar with the way in which the whistle of a train moving toward them lowers in pitch as the train passes. The change in pitch is caused by the change in the movement of the train relative to the listener. First it is moving toward the listener, but after it passes it is moving away. This change in pitch is called Doppler shifting. Now let’s apply this principle to the bat’s echolocation system.

Bats are most sensitive to certain frequencies as they listen for the echo of their high pitched squeak. If you are a bat, you listen for echoes from stationary objects around you, like trees, as well as moving objects, such as an insect that is about to become lunch. Because of the differences in the movements of these objects relative to your flight, Doppler shifting changes the pitch of returning echoes. That change could place a returning echo outside the range of frequencies to which you are most sensitive.

Scientists have discovered that the bat solves this problem by calculating the expected change in frequency due to Doppler shifting and then altering his squeak so that the returning echo is at the needed frequency! How many of us could do that without a computer and other sophisticated equipment?

Amazingly, the Creator has gone so far as to make the bat a bit of a physicist so it can make its living. What an elegant testimony to God’s wisdom and generosity!

Hebrews 11:3 ~ ~  “By faith we understand that the world has been created by the word of God so that what is seen has not been made out of things that are visible.”

Psalm 33:4 ~ ~ “ For the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in faithfulness.”