GOD’S WORD FOR MARCH 30 ~ ~Job 12:8 ~ ~ “Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you.”

The shark seems unlovable to us. However, its Creator lovingly designed special features such as the “miraculous web” into the shark because He loves all the creatures He made.

We’ve all been taught that fish are cold-blooded. In many people’s thinking, perhaps the most cold-blooded of all is the shark. Interestingly, there are four types of sharks can raise their internal body temperatures.

Sharks have a large liver. It can take up to 20 percent of it’s total body weight. The reason the Creator God did this for the shark, is that they need a lot of food, but it can be far between meals of large tuna or other big helpings. So, when feeding is good, they will store it in their liver, as other animals. But for this, they need to digest it more quickly than normal, so as not to lose their meal to others, and be able to store more of it.

For this, He has given them not only a large capacity liver, but also the ability to increase its body temperature above that of the surrounding water by over 13 degrees Fahrenheit.

Normally, the heat generated by the shark’s muscles is lost mainly through the gills. However, when the heat is needed to speed digestion, a complex radiator called a “miraculous web” moves into action. The “miraculous web” transfers the heat from the blood going to the gills to the blood coming from the gills. As a result, the shark can more efficiently digest and store food.

I’d like to see evolutionists explain that one!

God loves all of His creation, even the nasty ones in our eyes.

But, He loves His children infinitely more. He created the animals and plants for us! That’s why they all show His great love and care.

1 John 4:19

We love Him because He first loved us.

1 John 4:10

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins

Col. 1:17

And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

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